
Getting your Head Round Sonography

When you picture sonography jobs, most of the time you will picture someone seeing a scan of their baby for the first time. In fact, this is just one specific area of sonography, which spans over a much broader area. Sonography is not limited to benefitting solely women either, it can be used to help work out what’s going on inside all types of bodies. Sonography is only second to x-ray when it comes to the most relied upon diagnostic imagery used in medicine today. In this article, we’ll be looking beyond baby scans and seeing where else sonography helps within medicine, and what it actually is.  As you’ll find if you research OT jobs, UK and abroad, the discipline covers a wide variety of areas and you’ll be helping lots of different people with different problems.

Besides the obvious for women, ultrasounds can also help with a variety of women’s health conditions. From heart disease to breast abnormalities. It can also help with gynecological related problems. Ultrasound has the added benefit in this area as it’s a much less invasive procedure than many other options. While men can benefit too thanks to ultrasound. Specifically it can help identify abnormalities in the prostate gland or testicles, another area where the non-invasiveness is appreciated.

There are also many issues surrounding child’s health that ultrasound can be used for. For example, it’s a great way to see if appendicitis has definitely occurred. This can often be harder to confirm within children, and they are more likely to get appendicitis than an adult. Sonography can also be used to look at a baby’s skeletal structure, this can be useful to identify when bone realignment is needed. The earlier this is noticed, the better.

In the last few decades, medical technology has come a long way. Yet, sonography and ultrasound hasn’t changed much since it started entering medicine in the 50s,60s and more widely by the 70s. It’s a science built on the simple soundwave, with echoes bouncing off various different body parts allowing us to see an (albeit grainy) image of what’s inside our body. This visual image can tell a lot to a sonographer, and it’s very easy to see abnormalities in these images.

There’s three big reasons why ultrasound has remained as other technologies come and go. FIrstly, it’s safe, compared to something like X ray, technicians have no risk to overexposure, due to soundwaves being used. Secondly, it’s cheap, meaning this is something that can be widely available, without long waits or costs to use them. Finally, as already mentioned, it’s noninvasive. The amount of risk this removes, compared to something such as exploratory surgery, can never be understated.